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Used for pleasure, spices and culinary herbs provided by our environment also have amazing nutritional qualities that contribute to human health. Their fragrant and strong-tasting compounds often participate in the defence of the plant that produces them against environmental damage. Ingested in our food, they largely keep their bioactive properties: for example, they have antioxidant properties useful to our health. They reduce the risk of so-called civilizational diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and, as very recently demonstrated, they promote the growth of the “good” bacteria of our microbiota. In addition, spices reduce the amount of fat, salt and sugar in our cooking thanks to the intensity of their aromas and flavours.


1. Discovering herbs and spices

1. 探索香料和香草

1.1. Spices and civilization

1.1 香料与文明

The term “spices” comes from the Latin “species”, from which also comes “grocer”, the seller of spices. Originating from faraway countries, a symbol of luxury, or rather “paying in cash”, and of refinement, spices have, over the centuries, been the source of struggles and violence to gain a monopoly on their trade. Their history is the history of civilizations [1]. The use of spices is found more than 6,000 years ago in Northern Europe, and then, appreciated for their taste, colour and aroma, or for their power to preserve food, in ancient times, in Mesopotamia as in ancient Egypt. The increase in trade with Magna Graecia and the conquests of the Roman Empire then brought spices to Europe (Read Focus – The Spice Route, the first fruits of globalization).



Figure 1. Peasant weddings. Pieter Brueghel the Younger (1564-1638). [Source: Pieter Breughel the Younger [Public domain]]

图1. 农民婚礼。彼得·勃鲁盖尔(小)(1564-1638)。[来源:彼得·勃鲁盖尔(小)[公有领域]]

Until the 20th century, the use of spices remained essentially hedonistic (flavour, perfume) in contrast to herbs whose medicinal virtues have been known in Europe since the Middle Ages (Figure 1).


1.2. Herbs, spices, a subject of interest in Public Health

1.2 香草和香料:公共卫生领域的研究热点

It is only recently that we have had scientific studies that report the potential public health benefits of herbs and spices. This work focuses on three main areas:


    • the analytical aspect and the identification of bioactive compounds in spices and herbs;

    • 分析和识别香草及香料中的生物活性化合物;

    • the behavioural aspect with their role in following the nutritional recommendations of the High Council of Public Health (HCSP) [2]: less salt, fat, sugars, more vegetables and legumes;

    • 行为方面,即它们在遵循公共卫生高级委员会(HCSP)营养建议方面的作用[2]:减少盐、脂肪、糖的摄入,增加蔬菜和豆类的摄入;

    • the biological and clinical aspect with studies demonstrating their ability to prevent or alleviate diseases.

    • 生物和临床方面,通过研究表明它们预防或缓解疾病的能力。

    1.3. What is a spice or an aromatic herb?

    1.3 什么是香料或芳香草本植物?

    Spices and herbs are all plant origin [3]. In general, we distinguish between spices (spices in English-speaking countries), derived from the non-chlorophyllous parts of plants, and herbs (grasses), of which the green parts are used.



    Figure 2. Main aromatic herbs. [Source : AM Roussel]

    图2. 主要的芳香草本植物。[来源:AM Roussel]

    Often found in vegetable gardens or market garden stalls, aromatic herbs are used for their aromatic, condiment or medicinal qualities, sometimes combined in aromatic mixtures (Figure 2). Their active ingredients are present in the leaves (parsley, bay leaf sauce, chives, …) or bulbs (garlic, shallot, onions). In cooking, the bouquet garni is used to flavour a stewed dish. Composed of various herbs, it usually contains bay leaves, thyme and parsley.

    芳香草本植物经常在菜园或市场摊位上找到,因其芳香、调味或药用特性而被使用,有时也会组合成芳香混合物(见图2)。它们的活性成分存在于叶子中(如欧芹、月桂叶酱、细香葱等)或鳞茎中(如大蒜、小葱、洋葱)。在烹饪中,调味束(bouquet garni)用于为炖菜增添风味。它通常由各种香草组成,通常包含月桂叶、百里香和欧芹。

    Spices are used in small quantities in cooking, mainly to perfume and season dishes, sometimes to give them colour or to help preserve them. In spices, the bioactive compounds may be present in the flower (saffron), bud (clove), bark (cinnamon), root, fruit (pepperdillmustard), rhizomes (ginger) or seeds (fennelcoriandernutmeg) of the plant (Figure 3).



    Figure 3. Main plant organs source of spices. [Source : AM Roussel]

    图3. 香料的主要植物器官来源。[来源:AM Roussel]

    It should be noted that spices stimulate our senses not only thanks to the fragrant or sapid compounds* they contain, but above all, compounds with a trigeminal* action, which distinguishes them from aromatics. They are therefore responsible for odours (orthonasal: through the nostrils; or retronasal: through the retronasal fossae, which connect the mouth to the nose), flavours, and stimulation of the trigeminal nerve (pungent, fresh…). [4]


    Herbs and spices have no nutritional value but are rich in bioactive compounds, polyphenols, alkaloids, terpenes and carotenoids [5], all of which have properties that allow the plant to adapt to its environment (Figure 4).



    Figure 4. Diversity of bioactive compounds in herbs and spices. [Source: AM Roussel]

    图4. 香草和香料中生物活性化合物的多样性。[来源:AM Roussel]

    Their secondary metabolites within the plant, have a protective role against thermal, bacterial or viral stress. For example, the curcuminoids in turmeric powder, of which curcumin is the best known to the public, are first of all protectors of the plant which, when exposed to aggression, change its cellular signalling and induce antioxidant and anti-inflammatory defences. This mechanism is common in the plant kingdom and, by incorporating spices into our food, we benefit from these properties.


    1.4. Herbs and spices, sources of dietary antioxidants

    1.4 香草和香料:膳食抗氧化剂的来源

    The antioxidant power [6] of herbs and spices is high [7] (Figure 5). As an example, 1 teaspoon of dried oregano is equal, in antioxidant power, to 80g of grapes and a teaspoon of cinnamon to 250ml of pomegranate juice. A mixture of herbs and spices, added to the meat before cooking, prevents the production of fat oxidation derivatives, which are harmful to our cells [8], and the presence of aromatic herbs in the dressing of a salad doubles its antioxidant power [9]. It should be pointed out that, unlike vitamins, the polyphenols present in herbs and spices are resistant to desiccation and heat treatment.



    Figure 5. Herbs and spices are rich in antioxidants. [Source: AM Roussel]

    图5. 香草和香料富含抗氧化剂。[来源:AM Roussel]

    2. Herbs and spices for less salt, less sugar, less fat, more vegetables

    2. 香草和香料助力减少盐、糖、脂肪摄入,增加蔬菜摄入

    Poor food choices increase the risk of nutrition-related diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, inflammatory diseases, cancers or more recently studied, alterations of the intestinal microbiota (Read Human Microbiota: Allies for our Health) and dysbioses*.


    Correcting our food choices is, therefore, a real Public Health issue. This goal is difficult to achieve. In spite of the PNNS (National Nutrition and Health Plan) programmes that succeeded one another from 2001 to 2017, and many nutritional information campaigns aimed at the general public, the latest food consumption surveys show that the vast majority of us continue to eat too few vegetables, to eat too much fat, too much salt and too much sugar.


    However, human intervention studies teach us that using herbs and spices regularly helps to correct these dietary errors.


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