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Research Supporting Naturopathic Practice

There is an extensive body of research supporting naturopathic practice. For more information check out the Research Written by Naturopaths Naturopathic Doctors.

The research listed below highlights the studies focused on evaluating and defining naturopathic practice and they illustrate that the naturopathic profession engages extensively in the critical appraisal of their profession.

Naturopathic Research

·The Central Role of Research in the Growth of the Global Naturopathic Professionwas published last year and has received a lot of interest from the research community.  The purpose of this publication was to more directly link naturopathic practice with research.  Here is the link: https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/pdf/10.1089/acm.2018.29055.ljw

·The Scholarship of the Naturopathic Profession: a bibliometric analysis of naturopath-authored, peer-reviewed publicationshas been sent to the publisher and should be released by August 2020.  This is a significant piece of research for the naturopathic community as it highlights the research supporting naturopathic practice and it clearly defines the naturopathic profession as being research focused.

·Listing of Naturopathic Research_1985-2018. A listing of over 2,000 research articles authored by naturopathic researchers. Here is the link: http://worldnaturopathicfederation.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/WNF_Research-Written-by-Naturopaths-Naturopathic-Doctors.pdf

· Steel, A., Rapport, F. & Adams, J. Towards an implementation science of complementary health care: some initial considerations for guiding safe, effective clinical decision-making. Advances in Integrative Medicine in press, doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aimed.2018.02.002 (2018).

· Steel, A., Goldenberg, J. & Cooley, K. Establishing an international research collaborative for naturopathy: The International Research Consortium of Naturopathic Academic Clinics (IRCNAC). Advances in Integrative Medicine 4, 93-97 (2017).

·Adams, J., Steel, A., Moore, C., Amorin-Woods, L. & Sibbritt, D. Establishing the ACORN national practitioner database: strategies to recruit practitioners to a national Practice-Based Research Network. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 39, 594-602 (2016).

·Steel, A., Hemmings, B., Sibbritt, D. & Adams, J. Research challenges for a complementary medicine higher education institution: results from an organisational climate survey. European Journal of Integrative Medicine 7, 442-449 (2015).

·Tippens, K., Fleishman, S., Russell, A. & Zwickey, H. CAM practitioners conducting research: preliminary findings from a survey and interviews to inform workforce training. Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing 9, 324-325 (2013).

· Tippens, K. M., Oberg, E. & Bradley, R. A dialogue between naturopathy and critical medical anthropology: toward a broadened conception of holistic health. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 26, 257-270 (2012).

· Tippens, K. M., Oberg, E. & Bradley, R. A dialogue between naturopathy and critical medical anthropology: toward a broadened conception of holistic health. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 26, 257-270 (2012).

Naturopathic Practice

  • ·Overview of International Naturopathic Practice and Patient Characteristics: results from a cross-sectional study in 14 countrieswas published in April of 2020.  Here is the link: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32070338/

  • ·Integrative Physiology and Traditional Naturopathic Practice: Results of an International Observational Studywas released in May of 2020.  Here is the link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2213422020300561?via%3Dihub

  • ·Foley H, Steel A, Adams J. Perceptions of person-centered care amongst individuals with chronic conditions who consult complementary medicine practitioners. Compl Ther in Medicine. August 2020;52:102518 http://imjournal.com/oa/evidence_supporting-a_phased_immuno-physiological_approach_to_covid-19_from_prevention_through_recovery/

  • ·Myers S, Vigar V. The State of the Evidence for Whole-System, Multi-Modality Naturopathic Medicine: A Systematic Scoping Review. J Altern Compl Med; 25(2):141-168. Feb 2019

  • ·Steel, A. et al. An overview of the Practitioner Research and Collaboration Initiative (PRACI): a practice-based research network for complementary medicine. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 17, 87 (2017).

  • ·Steel, A. Consultations with complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) practitioners in pregnancy influenced by women’s life circumstances. Australian Journal of Herbal Medicine 28, 1-3 (2016).

  • ·Wardle, J. & Peng, W. Integrative clinical care practice models: sharing innovation for better patient outcomes. Advances in Integrative Medicine 3, 73-75 (2016).

  • ·Oberg, Erica B., Ryan Bradley, Kieran Cooley, Heidi Fritz, Joshua Z. Goldenberg, Dugald Seely, Jane D. Saxton and Carlo Calabrese. “Estimated Effects of Whole-System Naturopathic Medicine in ·Select Chronic Disease Conditions: a Systematic Review.” Alternative & Integrative Medicine.2 (2015): 1-12. (Pacific Pearl La JollaCCNMCanada, USA)

  • ·Steel, A. & McEwen, B. The need for higher degrees by research for complementary medicine practitioners. Australian Journal of Herbal Medicine 26, 136 (2014).

  • ·Steel, A., Adams, J. & Sibbritt, D. Developing a multi-modality complementary medicine practice-based research network: the PRACI project. Advances in Integrative Medicine 1, 113-118 (2014).

  • ·Wardle, J. J. L. & Adams, J. Indirect and non-health risks associated with complementary and alternative medicine use: an integrative review. European Journal of Integrative Medicine 6, 409-422 (2014).

  • ·Hollenberg, Daniel, Millennia Lytle, Rishma Walji, and Kieran Cooley. “Addressing Provider Shortage in Underserviced Areas: the Role of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine (TCAM) Providers in Canadian Rural Healthcare.” European Journal of Integrative Medicine. 5.1 (2013): 15-26. (Canada)

  • ·Myers, S. P., Xue, C. C., Cohen, M. M., Phelps, K. L. & Lewith, G. T. The legitimacy of academic complementary medicine. The Medical Journal of Australia 197, 69-70 (2012).

  • ·Oberg, E. B., R. D. Bradley, J. Allen and M. A. McCrory. “CAM: naturopathic dietary interventions for patients with type 2 diabetes.” Complementary therapies in clinical practice17(3): 157-161. (2011)

  • ·Steel, A. & Adams, J. Approaches to clinical decision-making: a qualitative study of naturopaths. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 17, 81-84 (2011)

  • ·Steel, A. & Adams, J. The application and value of information sources in clinical practice: an examination of the perspective of naturopaths. Health Information & Libraries Journal 28, 110-118 (2011).

  • ·Steel, A. & Adams, J. The interface between tradition and science: naturopaths’ perspectives of modern practice. Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine 17, 967-972 (2011).

  • ·Wardle, J. & Oberg, E. B. The intersecting paradigms of naturopathic medicine and public health: opportunities for naturopathic medicine. Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine 17, 1079-1084, doi:10.1089/acm.2010.0830 (2011).

Naturopathic Regulation / Education

1、Characteristics of global naturopathic education, regulation, and practice frameworks:  results from an international survey  has been submitted for publication and will likely be released by the fall.  This survey is an in-depth analysis of the correlation between naturopathic education and regulation.

2、Wardle, J. & Weir, M. Regulating the unregistered: an analysis of negative licensing regulatory arrangements for unregistered complementary practitioners in Australia. Integrative Medicine Research 4, 19 (2015).

3、Wardle, J. Holding unregistered health practitioners to account: an analysis of current regulatory and legislative approaches. Journal of Law and Medicine 22, 350-375 (2014).

4、Wardle, J. J., Weir, M., Marshall, B. & Archer, E. Regulatory and legislative protections for consumers in complementary medicine: lessons from Australian policy and legal developments. European Journal of Integrative Medicine 6, 423-433 (2014).

5、Walji, R. & Wiktorowicz, M. Governance of natural health products regulation: an iterative process. Health Policy 111, 86-94 (2013).

Integrative Practice

1、Wardle, J. Complementary and integrative medicine as middle class medicine: busting the myth. Advances in Integrative Medicine 4, 1-2 (2017).

2、Wardle, J. Celebrating the diversity of integrative medicine: essential to moving forward integrative medicine’s role in primary health care and public health. Advances in Integrative Medicine 3, 41-42 (2016).

3、Wardle, J. Complementary and integrative medicine: the black market of health care? Advances in Integrative Medicine 3, 77-78 (2016).

4、Wardle, J. Building integrative medicine’s research capacity. Advances in Integrative Medicine 1, 105-106 (2015).

5、Wardle, J. Diving into the complexity of integrative medical practice. Advances in Integrative Medicine 1, 67-68 (2014).

6、Bradley, R., Smith, B. & Oberg, E. Implementation of a prospective clinical outcomes study in a CAM/IM teaching clinic. Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing 9, 324 (2013).

7、Tiralongo, E. et al. Exploring the integration of complementary medicines into Australian pharmacy practice with a focus on different practice settings and background knowledge. Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine 7 (2010).

Community Engagement

1. An International Study of Health Promotion and Community Education Activities of Naturopathic Clinicianshas been completed and is the process of being written up for publication.  This survey includes the input from about 1,000 naturopathic practitioners around the world and highlights the significant role of the naturopathic profession in community education.

2. Survey on Naturopathic Community Clinicshas identified that there are over 100 naturopathic-based community clinics in operation around the world.  The results of this survey highlights the important role of the naturopathic profession in providing naturopathic care to the underprivileged and to specialized groups.  We are planning on having the results published this fall.

3. Adams, J. et al. Complementary and alternative medicine consultations in urban and nonurban areas: a national survey of 1427 Australian women. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 36, 12-19 (2013).

4. Walji, R., Weeks, L., Cooley, K. & Seely, D. Naturopathic medicine and aboriginal health: an exploratory study at Anishnawbe Health Toronto. Canadian Journal of Public Health = Revue Canadienne de Sante’e Publique 101, 475-480 (2010)

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